Time management hacks to adopt when you’re studying a new course while working

Time management hacks to adopt when you’re studying a new course while working

you might have enrolled in a new course that can help you achieve your goals and at the same time faced with some challenges in balancing your work and study commitments, such as finding enough time, staying focused, and avoiding burnout.

Don’t worry, you are not alone. Many people struggle with managing their time effectively when they have multiple responsibilities and goals. That’s why in this article, you’ll learn some time management hacks that can help you make the most of your time and energy, and succeed in both your work and study.

Hack 1: Plan your week ahead

One of the best ways to manage your time is to plan your week ahead. This means that you should allocate time for your work and study tasks, avoid conflicts and procrastination, and set realistic goals for yourself.

Planning your week ahead can help you in several ways. First, it can help you prioritize your most important and urgent tasks, and avoid wasting time on less important or irrelevant activities. Second, it can help you avoid stress and anxiety by knowing what you need to do and when you need to do it. Third, it can help you track your progress and celebrate your achievements, which can boost your motivation and confidence.

There are many tools and methods that you can use to plan your week ahead, such as calendars, apps, to-do lists, etc. You can choose the one that suits your preferences and needs. However, here are some general tips that you should follow when planning your week:

– Review your work and study schedule and deadlines, and mark them on your calendar or app

– Break down your large tasks into smaller and manageable subtasks, and assign them to specific days and time slots

– Leave some buffer time for unexpected events, emergencies, or delays

– Be flexible and adjust your plan as needed, but don’t deviate too much from your original goals

– Review your plan at the end of each day and week, and evaluate your performance and results

Hack 2: Use the Pomodoro technique

Imagine that you are a software developer who is working on a new feature for your app, while also studying a new programming language online. You have a tight deadline for both your work and study projects, and you need to manage your time effectively. How can you do that?

One way is to use the Pomodoro technique, a time management hack that can help you work and study smarter, not harder. This technique involves dividing your work and study time into 25-minute chunks, called Pomodoros, with 5-minute breaks in between. Each Pomodoro is dedicated to one specific task, and you use a timer to keep track of your time.

For example, you can start your day by setting a timer for 25 minutes, and working on your app feature. During this time, you focus only on your task, and ignore any distractions, such as emails, messages, or notifications. As soon as the timer goes off, you pause your work and rest for 5 minutes. You can use this break to stretch, drink some water, or check your phone.

You have a longer rest of 15 to 30 minutes once you complete four Pomodoros. You can use this break to have a snack, listen to some music, or meditate. Then, you switch to your study project, and repeat the same process. You set a timer for 25 minutes, and study the new programming language. You work on one lesson or exercise at a time, and avoid multitasking. When the timer rings, you take a 5-minute break, and so on.

By using the Pomodoro technique, you can improve your focus, reduce distractions, and increase your productivity and efficiency. You can also avoid getting bored or tired, and maintain a steady pace of work and study. Moreover, you can refresh your mind, relax your body, and prevent burnout. And, you can track your progress and record your results, which can motivate you and boost your confidence.

Hack 3: Learn to say no

The third time management hack that you can adopt is to learn to say no. This means that you should avoid taking on more work or study than you can handle, and protect your time and energy. Saying no can also help you set boundaries, communicate your priorities, and respect your own needs.

Saying no can be hard, especially if you are a people-pleaser, a perfectionist, or a team player. You might feel guilty, rude, or selfish for rejecting someone’s request or offer. However, you need to realize that saying no is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. By saying no, you are showing that you value your time and energy, and that you are not willing to compromise your work and study quality and performance.

Of course, saying no does not mean that you should be rude or insensitive to others. You can say no politely and assertively, without hurting anyone’s feelings or damaging your relationships. These are some effective methods to decline:

– Explain your reasons for saying no, and be honest and respectful

– Offer alternatives or solutions that can benefit both parties, such as delegating, postponing, or collaborating

– Suggest a compromise or a middle ground that can satisfy both parties, such as reducing the scope, changing the deadline, or splitting the work

– Thank the person for their request or offer, and express your appreciation and interest

– Stand your ground and don’t let anyone pressure or manipulate you into changing your mind


In conclusion, studying a new course while working will not be impossible when you apply these time management hacks, you can balance your work and study commitments, and achieve your goals.

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